Liturgy Group

The Parish Liturgy Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm in the Parish Centre. While we have a membership of eleven, we welcome new members.

At the start of the year, in September, we seek new Ministers of the Word, Ministers of the Eucharist and plan rotas for the year ahead. Some years ago we established a “Welcoming Group” for the weekend Masses.

We arrange an annual Mass in November for Parishioners who died during the year and display the names on a shrine. Heading up to Christmas we have an Advent Shrine and Jesse Tree. For Christmas we set up the Crib. There are Lenten and Easter Shrines also.

With our priests we plan the Liturgy for the principal feasts in the Church’s year and display visuals for other feasts e.g. Pentecost etc.

The group constructed and Easter Garden in the Church Grounds a few years ago and we continue to maintain it throughout the year. From time to time we contribute Reflections to the Parish Bulletin.

Contact: Parish Office 021-4344452.